Why pharma should spend an hour or two on 总到岸成本

When shipping vaccines or any other temperature-sensitive medical solution, pharmaceutical companies look for partners that ensure high quality, that can simplify the handling process, and help to reduce CO2 emissions. While active temperature-controlled solutions meet all those requirements, the general perception is that they are more expensive. That perception sometimes makes pharmaceutical companies choose other, seemingly less costly alternatives, commonly known as passive solutions, not realizing that they are in essence, paying more for an inferior solution.


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制药公司使用大型可以赌足球的app 说唱e2主动温控容器的主要原因是他们希望最大限度地提高其运输的安全性. The 说唱e2 container has an active electric cooling and heating system, 这意味着它可以持续保持容器内的恒定温度, despite varying outdoor temperatures. 事实上,只要把它插到电源插座上,它就可以无限期地保护你的货物. 再加上数据记录, 无一次性材料, no time for conditioning and assembling of the container, and a track-record of zero product losses.

Compared to passive solutions, 本质上就是没有任何形式的主动温度控制的绝缘盒子, 很容易理解为什么主动温控容器被认为是更优质的, 昂贵的选择. And if you just compare the costs of the containers, 主动温控容器的成本确实高于被动温控容器.

不幸的是,您在更便宜的包装解决方案上节省的费用被更高的航空运费和辅助成本所抵消, not to mention the risk of product loss

但这就像认为盒子的成本和运输成本是一样的. When you calculate the 总到岸成本, it becomes clear that in most cases, 不幸的是,您在更便宜的包装解决方案上节省的费用被更高的航空运费和辅助成本所抵消, not to mention the risk of product loss.



The reason passive shipment solutions are perceived as cheaper, 源于与使用被动箱运输药品相关的各种成本通常分布在制药公司的许多不同部门, thus making it difficult to see the whole picture, and grasp the actual 总到岸成本. So, what is 总到岸成本?



航空运费是根据货物重量和货物体积计算的. Air cargo space is limited and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air freight rates as a proportion of 总到岸成本 have increased. 结果是, if you want to ship large volumes of pharmaceuticals, 使用尽可能少占用飞机货舱空间的包装解决方案变得越来越重要.


Apart from taking up less space, 主动温控容器也意味着更少的人工操作, 准备, storage and other auxiliary costs, which will also save you money.



除了, there is one cost related to logistics that can often be forgotten, 这是必须报废和更换在运输过程中损坏的全球十大赌钱软件app的成本. 必须报废损坏的全球十大赌钱软件app是昂贵的,并且涉及制药业务的所有领域-质量, 利润, 物流等. 即使只是怀疑温度偏差,也会增加数千美元的成本,以调查是否出现问题并损坏药物.

计算总到岸成本不像看价格表那么简单,但如果有可能有一个质量更好的运输解决方案, 更高的可靠性, 更少的温度漂移, 无全球十大赌钱软件app损耗, no reputational risk and better environmental performance, 以相同甚至更低的成本-这难道不值得花一两个小时来计算你自己的总着陆成本吗?

Getting the numbers right – real life examples


Example 1: Optimizing volume shipped

我们的第一个例子是一家公司想要用13升的箱子运送大量的药品. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and limited air cargo space available, they had to charter their own aircraft. The cost for the charter was well over 1 million USD, so they had to optimize the use of the cargo space.

我们帮助该公司计算如何最大限度地提高药品的出货量. Using our 说唱e2 active temperature-controlled container, they could fill 432 boxes in each 说唱e2, and with 14 说唱e2 containers on the aircraft, 他们总共可以运送6个,048箱.

With a passive Half PMC solution, 每个被动单元可以装189个盒子,飞机上可以装28个单元. 在总, that would enable them to ship 5,292箱, 这是, 少14%, than with the active 说唱e2 containers. 使用被动式双托盘可以运输相同体积的箱子,并减少PMC(1) solutions would imply 35% less boxes compared to the active 说唱e2. 见下图.

最大限度提高负载效率.PNG*Optimized with 2 cm spacers​
PCM (Phase Change Materials)是指在熔化和冻结过程中吸收和释放热能(热)的物质. 它们被称为“相变”材料,因为它们在热循环过程中从固态变为液态.​

Example 2: Optimizing 总到岸成本

Example 1 above shows the difference in volume shipped. In this example, we will take a closer look at the actual costs of shipping. 计算包括运输解决方案的成本和空运成本.


在这个真实的例子中, our client wanted us to calculate the cost of shipping a volume of 200,000箱. As can be seen in the image below, 使用被动式托盘(半PMC)的空运成本要高得多,为3欧元,875,相比之下,主动温控集装箱的空运成本为2欧元,595,000. The cost of leasing the active 说唱e2 container is higher, €2,305,000 compared to the Half PMC of €1,080,000. But in total, the 总到岸成本 per box is €24.8 for the passive Half PMC and €24.5 per box for the active 说唱e2. The savings per box that the company could make by using 说唱e2 was thus €0.3. 通过使用说唱e2替代被动解决方案,每年节省的总成本为55,000欧元 (calculation based on 200,000箱).

说唱e2 compared with passive half PMC shipper​.PNG

总到岸成本 includes more than air freight cost and shipping solution
然而,空运成本和租赁/购买运输解决方案的成本并不是完整的总到岸成本. There are numerous other costs involved, 比如装配时间, 准备和包装, cost for disposal of packaging materials, cost for temperature monitors, cost of transportation of the packaging solution to the airport or warehouse, 干冰成本, 制冷剂, 电力等. 对于需要更多人工处理的被动包装,这些成本通常更高. The image below shows a summary of auxiliary costs.

总到岸成本 TLC for a Pharmaceutical company.PNG

总结一下, to optimize cost efficiency for your company as a whole, you need to calculate the 总到岸成本. It will be time well spent that could save you tens of thousands of USD, as illustrated above – in just a few hours. It can be a complicated exercise if you are unused to it. If you need assistance, we can help you calculate 总到岸成本. Please contact us if you need support.

(1)A PMC aircraft pallet is a common pallet used to transport freight by air, also known as a 'Cookie Sheet'.


A comprehensive guide to pharmaceutical cold chain logistics


Defining the best procurement process strategy for pharma logistics

简单点说, 采购就是以合适的价格获得合适的全球十大赌钱软件app和服务. With complex products and services, 然而, the procurement process is more than just buying upfront. 集成, 多方面的系统和服务需要一种注重效率而不是成本的战略方法. Temperature-controlled pharmaceutical transport – with its many stakeholders, 高度管制的环境和珍贵的全球十大赌钱软件app-正是这样一个领域,指出了采购职能的战略重要性. 随着最近市场的发展,采购物流并没有变得更容易.

Reinventing the procurement process of pharma logistics

With the growing number of sensitive drugs, 采购部门如何在保持必要的质量要求的同时控制运输成本?


我们可以协助您进行成本分析,并估算出温控运输的所有直接成本. Please contact your local sales representative, to further discuss the best solution for your shipment.
